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  • Event

    Autumn 2020 Status webinar

    The goal of this  virtual meeting is to keep the community updated on latest developments in the kernel and related tools and to hear reports on community developments and projects.
    More than 80 of you were able to attend to the Tango community status meeting which took place over 2 full days, the 17 and 18 of  November 2020.
    A warm thanks to all the speakers to the extremely interesting talks. You contribute to the general increase in competence of the entire community. We can be proud of the work done!
    The program of this meeting was very rich and brought a lot of valuable information that can be interesting to watch again.
    You can access to the detailed  program and have the possibility to download the slides here
    All the talks have been recorded.

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  • logo.png
    Hi all,

    We are happy to announce the release of Sardana 3.0.3.

    IMPORTANT: This release is the first one supporting Python 3 only and is backwards incompatible. If you are already a Sardana user you will need to migrate your system before using this version.

    The source packages and windows installers are available to download from:


    It is also available on PyPI:


    To install from PyPI, do:

    % pip3 install sardana

    or download the tarball, untar and run:

    % python3 setup.py install

    The documentation is available at:


    For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes:


    ...and the issue tracker:


    If you encounter problems installing or running this release, please
    open an issue in:



    Áureo Freitas (on behalf of all the Sardana Community)
  • taurus.png

    We are happy to announce the release of Taurus 4.7.0.

    This release brings a lot of changes with respect to 4.6.1, among which are improved CLI,
    better selection of Qt bindings (Qt5 is now the default fallback), more customizable
    TaurusGuis, better support for plugins,...

    As a novelty, taurus (and taurus_pyqtgraph) can now also be installed using conda, with:

      `conda install -c taurus-org taurus taurus_pyqtgraph`

    Also note that this is quite probably the last release officially supporting python2.

    The source files can be downloaded from:


    The documentation (including installation instructions for different platforms) is available at:


    For a detailed list of changes, see the CHANGELOG:


    ...and the issue tracker:


    If you encounter problems installing or running this release, please
    open an issue in :


  • Event

    Summer 2020 development status webinar

    Since the yearly TANGO community meeting of St Petersbourg had to be postponed to 17 to 19 of November for obvious reasons.

    we organized a Tango controls status update webinar  the 10th of June from 9:00 AM Paris time.

    The webinar involved 22 speakers and was followed by 128 attendees of the 5 continents.
    The  program and associated presentations can be seen at the event's indico page

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  • logo_Waltz_super_small.png

    Dear Tangoers,

    Waltz 1.0.x has been released!

    Shortly speaking this release introduces major changes in tech stack of Waltz:

    • plugable architecture
    • npm dependencies management
    • Vanila JS6+/RxJS middleware
    • Webpack/rollup plugins GitHub template repositories
    • UI/UX improvements

    Full release description can be found here: GitHub/waltz

    Live demo (feel free to use tango-cs/tango credentials): AmazonCloud


    HZG & IK teams

  • logo_flipped.png

    Dear Tangoers,

    Tango Controls Steering committee and IK company have been looking closely to the COVID-19 situation during the several weeks. We are very sorry to say but up till now most of the countries keep their borders closed and travel is not permitted.

    Due to these circumstances which are beyond our control, the Tango Controls meeting 2020 is postponed from June to November 2020 in the hope that it will then be possible to travel and meet in St Petersburg. THe new dates are:

        November, 17-19 2020.

    We really hope that the situation in November will be safe and we all will be able to meet face-2-face and have a productive and exciting meeting in the beautiful city of St Petersburg! Thank you for understanding.

    In the meantime a compact virtual meeting is planned for the 10 June so that the community stays informed of progress for the core projects. More details to follow on this site.

    Looking forward to seeing you online in June and face-2-face in Saint Petersburg!

    We wish you all good health.

  • logo_flipped.png

    Dear Tangoers,

    We at IK Company, being organizers of the Tango Controls Users meeting 2020 at Saint Petersburg, observe the situation with COVID-19 very closely.

    As for now everything remains according to the schedule.

    However, taking into the account recent updates in many companies and their policies concerning business trips, we have prolonged the deadlines for registration, payment etc till May, 20th 2020.


    In case of any other changes we will inform you at once.

    We wish you all good health!

  • logo_flipped.png

    Tango Controls 2020 meeting contest

    From March, 9th till June, 9th 2020.

    Make a contribution and get All products pack from JetBrains for free!

    Registrants of the meeting have a chance to win a 1-year All products pack personal license from JetBrains!

    To be nominated, make a contribution(s) in a period from March, 9th till June, 9th 2020 to any repository in one or both of GitHub organizations: tango-controls or waltz-controls.

    Contribution can be everything: from making PR that fixes a typo or PR that performs a full scale refactoring or just creating an issue.

    Please create an issue with a link to your contribution in a dedicated repository to participate in the contest.

    The jury will choose 2 contributions to be awarded. Another 1 contribution will be chosen by the community.

    Register for the meeting and participate/vote!

  • 16-Dec-19-224641.jpg

    After only 10 months of shutdown for dismantling the old Storage-ring, adapting the injection system and installing the tens of tousands of pieces of equipments, the beam have been injected in the new storage ring at the foreseen date and within the foreseen budget.

    The Accelerator control system based on TANGO was ready at the d date for allowing the control room team to tune this brand new machine. TANGO thank's to it's modularity, flexibility and efficient design, allowed to prepare all the pieces of software well in dadvance on simulated devices and was the key of the success of the control system.

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  • logo_Waltz_small.png

    Dear Tangoers,

    I am pleased to announce new releases:

    Waltz - v0.7.4 and Tango Rest Server - 1.17

    New Waltz version features:

    • New look and feel compliant with material design
    • HintWidget
    • Performance improvements
    • Migration to NodeJS and new architecture, first steps

    Full info about the release can be found here: GitHub release - v0.7.4

    Live demo in Amazon cloud: link

    Use tango-cs/tango to authorize

    Tango Rest Server release 1.17:

    • Compatibility with JDK11+
    • Minor improvements

    Full info about the release can be found here: GitHub release - 1.17

    Please feel free to create issues including your wishes and ideas on GitHub



  • desktop.png

    We are pleased to announce that the latest TangoBox is available for launching on Amazon Web Services.

    The related AMI ID is: 


    It contains all the applications of standard TangoBox and RDP remote desktop connection. Please refer to the documentation.

    This image lowers the barrier even more for trying out and testing the full suite of Tango Controls tools!

    Thanks to S2Innovation for providing this useful service!

  • HDB++.png

    HDB++ Meeting @ ESRF - 18th-20th September 2019

    HDB++ is an archiving system for TANGO, based on events. The next HDB++ meeting will take place from 18th to 20th September 2019 at ESRF, Grenoble, France. If interested, please contact reynald.bourtembourg@esrf.fr.

    The draft agenda is available on https://indico.esrf.fr/indico/event/37/

    This workshop meeting hosts the main contributors of the Tango HDB++ project. The status of the development in different institutes will be presented. Then the different development strategies will be discussed and a roadmap for the future will be defined.

  • taurus.png

    The new Taurus 4.6.1 has been released.


    The documentation (including installation instructions for different platforms) is available at:


    For a detailed list of changes, see the CHANGELOG and the issue tracker.

    PS: also, the taurus_pyqtgraph plugin (which adds pyqtgraph-based plot widgets) is now available from PyPI

  • logo_Waltz_small.png

    Dear Tangoers,

    I am pleased to announce new Waltz release - v0.7.3

    This version features (including v0.7.[0-2]):

    • New Dashboard with multiple profiles stored per user basis
    • TableWidget
    • PlotlyWidget
    • ListWidget
    • ManagerWidget 
    • Redesigned Tango device control panel
    • Redesigned Info panels
    • Bug fixes and optimizations e.g. using WebGL for plots

    Full info about the release can be found here: GitHub release - v0.7.3

    Waltz has been dockerized. It is now super easy to give it a try:

    $> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/waltz-controls/waltz/v0.7.3/docker-compose.yml
    $> docker-compose up
    $> firefox http://localhost:8080/waltz

    Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/waltz

    Or try a live demo in Amazon cloud: link

    Use tango-cs/tango to authorize

    Please feel free to create issues including your wishes and ideas on GitHub




    P.S. the project has been moved to a dedicated GitHub org: new link

  • Hi Tangoers,

    Following the Tango Community Meeting in Hamburg, we have started work on Tongo Controls protocol formal specification (RFCs). The RFCs will be base for future development.

    The current state is visible on the GitHub: https://github.com/tango-controls/rfc

    We are looking for contributors. You may contribute by:

    • writing parts of the specification
    •  reviewing and commenting on what is written (PR reviews)

    If you would like to contribute, please:

    We need you!

  • The new Sardana 2.8.0 (corresponding to the Jul19 milestone) has been released.

    The source files and Windows installers can be downloaded from:


    The documentation is available at:


    For a detailed list of changes see CHANGELOG and issue tracker.

  • cumbia-telegram.png

    The cumbia-telegram bot is a small server employing the Telegram bot API to establish a communication between an authorized user  and a control system managed by the cumbia libraries. It can be used to:

    • get notifications about the control system status
    • read any source supported by the control system engines
    • employ formulas to get custom notifications:  alert  sr/diagnostics/dcct_s4 < 10

    Special care has been taken in realizing a safe application that protects the control system from both overloading and unauthorized access. The interaction with the messaging application is made effortless by the history, bookmark and alias modules. They promote tapping rather than writing. Read more on the cumbia-telegram dedicated page.

  • cumparsita.png

    cumbia formula plugin & la-cumparsita app: manipulate results through functions & give life to an application without writing code

    cumbia-formula plugin: mixing the Qt javascript integration and the cumbia formula plugin, read results from Tango and Epics can be manipulated by functions. The results can be displayed into any cumbia-qtcontrols widget. Check out cumbia-libs and refer to the formula plugin section for details.

    la-cumparsita: a new cumbia utility that inflates a qt designer ui file into a real application without writing code. Nonetheless, the most demanding users can inject javascript functions into the graphical components to process and combine values from the devices. la-cumparsita seamlessly integrates with real Qt/C++ applications sharing the same cumbia  model.

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