2 results

  • sardana.png

    We are happy to announce the release of Sardana 3.5.

    To discover what's new in this release check this section of the docs

    What's new in Sardana 3.5.0

    The source packages are available on PyPI

    Soon it will be also available on conda-forge.

    The documentation (including installation instructions for different platforms) is available at:


    We would like to say big thanks to all people that contributed to this release.

    Michal, Oriol, Jordi (on behalf of all the Sardana Community)

  • Event

    38th annual TANGO Controls collaboration meeting

    Dear TANGO community,Our 38th annual TANGO Controls collaboration meeting will take place in Synchrotron SOLEIL near Paris, France. Remote attendance is also possible in a hybrid format.We will welcome you on the 28th of May at 9 am and it will last two and a half days.Here is the foreseen program:

    - A first morning dedicated to various workshops (topics to finalise) running in parallel. On the following days, a wrap-up session will summarize them.

    - Classic sessions will follow based on the usual suspects, like status update from the different facilities, the kernel development, the TANGO ecosystem’s tools,...

    The agenda is still work in progress, so please submit your abstract as soon as possible to help us finalize it !Register and and submit your abstract at:

2 results