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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
tpg300 Vacuum Blzer Tpg 300
tpg256a Vacuum Pfeiffer Tpg 256 a
ScI9700TempCtrl Temperature Scientific Instruments Temperature Controller
PfeifferGauge Vacuum Pfeiffer TPG262 and TPG256A
TGA1240WaveGen Instrumentation Thurlby Thandar Instruments TGA1240 Waveform generators
TDCRoentdekCoboldPC Acquisition RoentDek TDC8HQ
TDCRoentdekCoboldPCCtrl Acquisition RoentDek TDC8HQ
T95TempProgLinkam Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
TST350Stage Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
DigitalDelayGenerator CounterTimer Highland Technology T560
T3AFG40WaveformGenerator MeasureInstruments Teledyne Test Tools T3AFG
ZaberTMM Motors Zaber T-MM
KChannelSwitch MeasureInstruments Keithley Switch System
TwickenhamSMC Instrumentation, Miscellaneous Twickenham, none Superconducting Magnet Controller 120-10/20 firmware 5.64 - 5.68,
Simplon Acquisition Dectris Simplon API
AndorpySpectrometer Acquisition Andor (Oxford Instruments) Shamrock
ScientaAcquisition Acquisition Scienta Scienta
OceanOpticsSTS Instrumentation Ocean Insight Oceans STS-NIR
SRSCurrentPreampSR570 MeasureInstruments Standord Research Systems SR570
RohdeSchwarzSMl Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMl
CryoSMSPowerSupplyGpib Instrumentation Cryogenics SMS Power Supply
VABController Motion SMS 4
VABMotor Motion SMS 4
RohdeSchwarzSMgx Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMGX
MenloSMA1000 Controllers, AbstractClasses, Controllers, AbstractClasses MenloSystems, none, MenloSystems, none SMA1000, , SMA1000,
RohdeSchwarzSMa Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMA 100A
SRSResGasAnalyzer PowerSupply Delta Elektronika SM70-22
DeltaElektronikaSM7022 PowerSupply Delta Elektronika SM70-22
DeltaElectronica_PSC_ETH PowerSupply Delta Electronica SM-800 (PSC-ETH control)
SIS3820MCS CounterTimer Struck SIS3820

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