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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
ContinuousAO InputOutput
CopleyControlsRS232 Motion Copley Controls Accelnet
CornerStone130 BeamlineComponents none
Counter StandardInterfaces
CounterTimer Simulators none
CoupledMonoUndMove Motion none
Cpci1150 Miscellaneous ADAS CPCI 1150
Cpci1264 InputOutput ADAS CPCI1264
CryoConTempCtrl Instrumentation Cryogenics Control Systems 32 and 32B
CryoConnector Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems Coolers
CryoCooler Temperature
CryoSMSMagnet Instrumentation Driesen + Kern GmbH DKRF400
CryoSMSPowerSupplyGpib Instrumentation Cryogenics SMS Power Supply
CryogenicVectorMagnet MagneticDevices Cryogenic Vector Magnet System J3901
CstRingOptic Calculation none
CubicPressVoggCylinder OtherInstruments Voggenreiter CubicPress
CubicPressVoggMotionCtrl Motion Voggenreiter CubicPress
CubicPressVoggMotor Motion Voggenreiter CubicPress
DAC StandardInterfaces
DG645 CounterTimer Standford Research Systems DG645
DGG2 Instrumentation none
DKRF400TempHumSensor Instrumentation Driesen + Kern GmbH DKRF400
DOOCSMotor Motion none
Danfysik9000 PowerSupply
Danfysik9000Mch PowerSupply
Danfysik_9100 Simulators, PowerSupply none, Danfysic , 9100
DanteDpp Acquisition DECTRIS
Daresbury Security ESRF REL1_0
DataBase System none
DataCollector Acquisition none

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