• Introduction to TANGO Controls and the collaboration

Icon Tango overview (3.6 MB)

  • More detailed technical introductions

​​ Icon Tango basic technical overview (872.4 KB)  

Icon Introduction to TANGO Controls (ppt) (339.5 KB)

  •  General TANGO training for C++. The support document for the Tango training course which covers most of the Tango features.  The source code for all exercises is also available as zipped tar archives.

Icon TANGO Training for C++ (ppt) (5.2 MB)

  • General Tango Training  for Python. The last Tango training given at MaxLab in Sweden. The training code examples and exercises are in Python. The source code for all exercises (in Python) is available as a zipped archive.

Icon TANGO training for Python (ppt) (7.8 MB)

  • How to write a Tango Device Server for an Arduino temperature sensor.

Icon Write a TANGO device class for an Arduino temperature sensor (odp) (1.1 MB)