
Average: 0
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Development status: New development
Information status: Updated
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/Acquisition/2D/Medipix

Class Description

Families: Acquisition

Key words: 2D

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Ethernet

Class interface


Name Description
DeviceIdScalar: DevLong
NumberOfChipsScalar: DevLong
NumberOfRowsScalar: DevLong
ExposureTimeScalar: DevDouble
NumberOfFramesScalar: DevLong
DirectoryScalar: DevString
FileNameScalar: DevString
ChipBoardIDScalar: DevString
InterfaceNameScalar: DevString
AcquisitionTypeScalar: DevUShort
AcquisitionTypesScalar: DevString
MaskBitFileAsciiScalar: DevString
TestBitFileAsciiScalar: DevString
LowTHSFileAsciiScalar: DevString
HighTHSFileAsciiScalar: DevString
WriteFilesScalar: DevBoolean
AcquisitionModeScalar: DevLong
PolarityScalar: DevBoolean
BiasVoltageScalar: DevDouble
SaveBinaryScalar: DevBoolean
AppendScalar: DevBoolean
FrameDataTypeScalar: DevLong
RepeatScalar: DevUShort
DelayScalar: DevDouble
MedipixTypeScalar: DevString
DACValuesAsStringScalar: DevString
FlipHorizontalScalar: DevBoolean
FlipVerticalScalar: DevBoolean
RotateScalar: DevDouble
DACNamesSpectrum: DevString
DACValuesSpectrum: DevUShort
DACValuesAnalogSpectrum: DevDouble
InterfaceSpecificInfosSpectrum: DevString
AcquisitionModesSpectrum: DevString


Name Description
PerformIntegralAcquisitionInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
GetDACValueInput: DevString
Output: DevUShort
LoadBinaryPixelsCfgInput: DevString
Output: DevVoid
LoadHighThresholdsInput: DevString
Output: DevVoid
LoadLowThresholdsInput: DevString
Output: DevVoid
LoadMaskBitsInput: DevString
Output: DevVoid
LoadTestBitsInput: DevString
Output: DevVoid
PerformAcquisitionInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
PerformFrameAcquisitionInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
SetDACValueInput: DevString
Output: DevDouble
Sets a DAC value. The input argument must have the form .
StartTriggerInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
StopTriggerInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
ResetPixelConfigurationInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
SetDACsToDefaultInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
AbortInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
SaveConfigInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid



Name Description
StorageDevString Storage type (FILE_STORE, or TANGO_STORE)\nTANGO_STORE must be given like this `TANGO_STORE:some/tango/device`

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b'//###########################################################################\r\n// This file is part of Medipix Tango Device/Server\r\n//\r\n// Copyright (C) : 2012\r\n// Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) http://www.kit.edu\r\n// Institut f\xfcr Synchrotronstrahlung (ISS) http://anka.iss.kit.edu/\r\n// Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1\r\n// D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen\r\n// GERMANY\r\n//\r\n// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r\n// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\r\n// (at your option) any later version.\r\n//\r\n// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\r\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\r\n//\r\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r\n// along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.\r\n//###########################################################################\r\n\r\n\r\n============== Medipix Tango Server =====================\r\n\r\n1. Dependencies:\r\nMedipix Tango Server depends on the following libraries:\r\n \r\n a. YAT-1.7.7: This is a toolbox library from the guys @ SOLEIL Synchrotron.\r\n Available via Sourceforge (svn checkout https://tango-cs.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tango-cs/share/yat/tags/YAT-1.7.7)\r\n b. YAT4TANGO-1.6.4: This is toolbox library specialized on tango programming. Also from SOLEIL.\r\n Available via Sourceforge (svn checkout https://tango-cs.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tango-cs/share/yat4tango/tags/YAT4Tango-1.6.3)\r\n c. Pixelman: The Tango server uses dlls from Pixelman. Available here: http://aladdin.utef.cvut.cz/ofat/others/Pixelman/Pixelman_download.html\r\n d. CImg: CImg is a header-only library for image processing. Available from sourceforge http://cimg.sourceforge.net/\r\n This dependency can resolved easily by downloading the latest version of CImg and copying the header file into src/ directory.\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\nIf you want to store Medipix Data in Nexus files (currently not yet used @ANKA) there are more dependencies\r\n\r\n e. NexusCPP: This is a C++-Wrapper around the Nexus C-API. Available @sourceforge\r\n f. Nexus4Tango: This is toolbox library for programming with tango and nexus. Available @sourceforge\r\n \r\n \r\n2. Building with CMake\r\n \r\n@ANKA we use CMake >= 2.6 (www.cmake.org) for building Windows and Linux software. CMake is a makefile generator. Under Windows\r\nit can generate different Visual Studio Solution/Project files, NMake Makefiles and more. This version of \r\nMedipix Tango server was developed with Visual Studio 8 2005.\r\n \r\nIn order to build Medipix Tango Server you have to download and install CMake on your Windows box. Then, on a Visual Studio Command Prompt,\r\nyou can do the following:\r\n \r\n E:\tango\Medipix>cmake . -DTANGO_DIR=c:\Programme\tango\win32_vc8\win32_dll -DYAT_DIR=e:\tango\YAT-1.7.7 -DYAT4TANGO_DIR=e:\tango\YAT4Tango-1.6.3 -DPIXELMAN_DIR=e:\tango\Pixelman_2011_07_04\r\n\r\nOf course you have to replace the values for TANGO_DIR, YAT_DIR, YAT4TANGO_DIR and PIXELMAN_DIR according to your environment. \r\nThis will will generate Visual Studio Solution and project files. You can add -G "NMake Makefiles" to generate NMake makefiles.\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'

22 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

22 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

16 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

20 Apr 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 9:15 a.m.