This is historical information of device classes implemented in K2Modulator2 device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: New development
Information status: New


Class Description

This class is able to control a ScandiNova K2 modulator equipped with an ethernet interface.

Families: Controllers

Key words:

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: ScandiNova Systems AB



Bus: Socket

Class interface


Name Description
CvdScalar: DevDouble Capacitive Voltage Divider. Modulator output pulse voltage in KV units.
CtScalar: DevDouble Current Transformer. Modulator pulse output current. Unit ampere.
PrfScalar: DevDouble Pulse Repetion Frequency.
PowerScalar: DevDouble Modulator average output power.
HvPsVoltageScalar: DevDouble HV PS DC voltage output read value. The Primary voltage.
FilamentVoltageScalar: DevDouble
FilamentCurrentScalar: DevDouble
BiasVoltageScalar: DevDouble Pulse transformer bias voltage.
BiasCurrentScalar: DevDouble Pulse transformer bias current.
SolenoidPs1VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS1 voltage.
SolenoidPs1CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS1 current.
SolenoidPs2VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS2 voltage.
SolenoidPs2CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS2 current.
SolenoidPs3VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS3 voltage.
SolenoidPs3CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS3 current.
SolenoidPs4VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS4 voltage.
SolenoidPs4CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS4 current.
SolenoidPs5VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS5 voltage.
SolenoidPs5CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS5 current.
SolenoidPs6VoltageScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS6 voltage.
SolenoidPs6CurrentScalar: DevDouble Klystron solenoid PS6 current.
RemainingTimeScalar: DevLong Indicates the time in seconds before the requested modulator state is reached. e,g. when waiting for the filament preheat time period.
ModStateReadScalar: DevUShort Modulator StateRead variable, See Control System Manual.
ModStateSetScalar: DevUShort Modulator StateSet variable. See Control System Manual.
SetHvVoltScalar: DevDouble Set voltage for DCPS.
AccessLevelScalar: DevShort Actual acees level. -1 = LOCAL mode. Read access 2 = REMOTE mode. Full Write and Read access.
SetPs1CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set solenoid PS 1 current..
SetPs2CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set Current solenoid PS 2..
SetPs3CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set Current solenoid PS 3.
SetPs4CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set Current solenoid PS 4.
SetPs5CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set Current solenoid PS 5.
SetPs6CurrentScalar: DevDouble Set Current solenoid PS 6.
SetFilCurrScalar: DevDouble Set filament current..
SetBiasCurrScalar: DevDouble Set bias current..
CommandStatusScalar: DevLong Status for last command. 0 = OK. 1 = Not connected. 2 = Timeout. 3 = Range error. 4 = Access error. 5 = Parameter error.
ComStatusScalar: DevLong Communication status. 0 = OK. 1 = Not connected.
PulsewidthScalar: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
Device state
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Device status
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
ResetInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Reset active modulator interlocks.
OffInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Request modulator OFF state.
StandbyInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Request modulator STANDBY state.
HVInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Request modulator HV state.
TrigInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Request modulator TRIG state.
ReadFloatVariableInput: DevLong
Output: DevDouble
Read a modulator variable (float). Input argument Variable ID. Returns variable value.
SetIntVariableInput: DevVarLongArray
Output: DevShort
Set a modulator variable (Int). Input argument [Variable ID,Value,...]. Success returns zero..
SetCalibInput: DevVarDoubleArray
Output: DevUShort
Set calibraion (scaling) data for a Modulator variable. Input argument [Variable ID,calib data,...]. Success returns zero.
ReadCalibInput: DevLong
Output: DevVarDoubleArray
Read calibraion (scaling) data for a Modulator variable. Input argument Variable ID. Returns calibration data.
ReadIntArrayInput: DevLong
Output: DevVarLongArray
ReadFloatArrayInput: DevLong
Output: DevVarDoubleArray
ReadIntVariableInput: DevLong
Output: DevLong
SetFloatVariableInput: DevVarDoubleArray
Output: DevLong



Name Description
IPDevString IP address

12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
The device class has been updated.
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12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
The device class has been updated.
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12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
The device class has been updated.
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12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
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12 Oct 2021, MAX-IV Device Classes
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:mdevice_classes on:12 Oct 2021, 8:16 a.m.