This is historical information of device classes implemented in BmcmESRF device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: New


Class Description

The aim of this project is to measure 3 currents feeding the 3 following magnets families in the Booster: Dipole, Focusing quadrupoles, Defocusing quadrupoles. The project is using the Dance board of ESRF connected to a measurement board developed by the Power Supply group. The DANCE board is a platform connecting a COMEX board with a FPGA (spartan6) via a PCIe communication The FPGA is interfacing the 3 ADC of the Power Supply board and provides data and registers for settings. This class BMCM (BoosterMagnetsCurrentMeasurement) is running on the COMEX (Intel Atom 32bits) and is in charge of controlling the FPGA registers and acquiring data.

Families: AcceleratorComponents

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp

License: GPL



Manufacturer: ESRF



Bus: PCI Express

Class interface


Name Description
modeScalar: DevShort Define the acquisition mode. 0 -> Current measurement: 4 samples per period for each 3 channels 1 -> Test lab: continuous acquisition with drate@125kSPS. No trigger.
delayFromTriggerScalar: DevULong This delay corresponds to the interval time between the trigger and the first sample measured in the period.
sampleNumberScalar: DevUShort This corresponds to the total number of samples to measure in the period. It is not yet implemented. This number of samples could be associated with an interval time set by the user between each samples.
continuousBufferSizeScalar: DevULong For the acquisition modes using ring buffer (continuous acquisition / triggered acquisition with continuous enable), this attribute set the size of the ring buffer.
lastAdc1Scalar: DevDouble Last Dipole current measured
lastAdc2Scalar: DevDouble Last Qf current measured. Valid when recordNu is disable.
lastAdc3Scalar: DevDouble Last Qd current measured Valid when recordNu is disable.
triggerScalar: DevBoolean True : first sample acquire at delay from trigger False : no trigger
simulTriggerScalar: DevBoolean This attribute is useful for test purpose. If the External Trigger is not plugged on the board, the trigger is simulate. ADC data will be stored with the delay specified in the REG1 (delayFromTrigger scalar attribute).
drateScalar: DevShort This is an ADC parameter. Defined the Sampling rate of the ADC. 0 -> 125 kSs 1 -> 250 kSs 2 -> 500 kSs
adcSclkScalar: DevShort 0 0 -> SCLK from ADC 0 1 0 -> SCLK from FPGA, F=??? 2 0 1 -> SCLK from FPGA, F=32MHz 1 1 1 -> SCLK from FPGA, F=??? 3
cleaningModeScalar: DevBoolean Enable/Disable the cleaning. This is directly linked to the FPGA register. Cleaning is FPGA internal processing. It can be enable/disable for both modes Current Measurement and Test Lab.
lastTuneXScalar: DevDouble Last Tune X measured. Valid when recordNu is enable
lastTuneZScalar: DevDouble Last Tune Z measured. Valid when recordNu is enable
tuneFrequencyOffsetScalar: DevULong Set the Tune frequency offset (for DAC) for cleaning mode.
tuneAmplitudeScalar: DevDouble Set the Tune amplitude (for DAC) for cleaning mode.
tuneGainScalar: DevDouble Set the Gain of the Tune for the cleaning mode.
tuneContinuousScalar: DevBoolean Enable/Disable permanently tunes computed.
recordNuScalar: DevBoolean Enable/Disable recording Nux & Nuz instead of Qf and Qd. When Enable, spectrum Qf & Qd are empty (ignored).
fpgaVersionScalar: DevDouble Read the FPGA version
fpgaIsRunningScalar: DevBoolean Check if the FPGA has already been set. If FALSE, the default settings are applied.
dsVersionScalar: DevDouble Read the Tango Device Server version
DSpectrum: DevDouble There are 3 ADC measuring Magnets Current on the Acquisition board: 3 ADC -> Dipole, Focusing Quadrupoles, Defocusing Quadrupoles. Correspondence between ADC and Magnet current: ADC1 -> Dipole (DipoleCurrent) ADC2 -> Focusing Quadrupole (QfCurrent) ADC3 -> Defocusing Quadrupole (QdCurrent)
QfSpectrum: DevDouble There are 3 ADC measuring Magnets Current on the Acquisition board: 3 ADC -> Dipole, Focusing Quadrupoles, Defocusing Quadrupoles. Correspondence between ADC and Magnet current: ADC1 -> Dipole (DipoleCurrent) ADC2 -> Focusing Quadrupole (QfCurrent) ADC3 -> Defocusing Quadrupole (QdCurrent)
QdSpectrum: DevDouble There are 3 ADC measuring Magnets Current on the Acquisition board: 3 ADC -> Dipole, Focusing Quadrupoles, Defocusing Quadrupoles. Correspondence between ADC and Magnet current: ADC1 -> Dipole (DipoleCurrent) ADC2 -> Focusing Quadrupole (QfCurrent) ADC3 -> Defocusing Quadrupole (QdCurrent)
NuxSpectrum: DevDouble When Cleaning and Record Nux &Nuz are enabled, the tune data processed are recorded instead of current. Qf -> Nux Qd -> Nuz
NuzSpectrum: DevDouble When Cleaning and Record Nux &Nuz are enabled, the tune data processed are recorded instead of current. Qf -> Nux Qd -> Nuz


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
Device state
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Device status
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
MeasurementsStartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Start measurements. The sequence is as following: - Write the parameters to FPGA registers. Parameters are: ->delayFromTrigger ->sampleNumber ->settings (which is a combination of mode, drate and adcSclk) ->DAC1 (DAC frequency offset in Hz) ->DAC2 (DAC amplitude) - Start FPGA measurement - Wait FPGA filled a RAM - Read the RAM - Loop the 2 last steps until MeasurementsStpo is called or number of period requested is reached (mode 1 & 2) - Quit the Measurements acquisition thread
MeasurementsStopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop the measurements. This command will stop the mesurements even if the number of period requested has not been reached (in mode 1 & 2).
ParametersUpdateInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
This command allows to write parameters to FPGA without starting an acquisition.
FpgaControlRegistersReadInput: DevUShort
Output: DevVarULongArray
Read some control registers of the FPGA. The input argument defines the number of register to read. The command returns the value of each registers.
FpgaControlRegistersWriteInput: DevVarLongArray
Output: DevVoid
Write a value to a setting register of the FPGA. The input arguments are the register address and the value. arg1 -> Address of the register arg2 -> Value to write in the register Address range :0 to 16 Value range :0 to 4294967295 (unsigned 32bits) Address 0 -> register 0 -> control register Address 1 -> register 1 -> delay from Trigger Address 2 -> register 2 -> number of Samples Address 3 -> register 3 -> settings (mode, drate, triggers, ...) Address 4 -> register 4 -> DAC Frequency offset Address 5 -> register 5 -> DAC Amplitude & Tune gain
FpgaRamReadInput: DevVarUShortArray
Output: DevVarULongArray
Read the RAM of the FPGA. The input arguments define the number of register to read in a given RAM offset. arg1 -> RAM offset: set to 0 for the first ram, set to 1 for the second ram. arg2 -> Number of Register: 1 to 32768.
FpgaRAMResetInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Reset the whole RAM to 0.



Name Description
DataReadTimeOutDevShort Time to wait in milliseconds when waiting the data from the FPGA.
WaitOnTriggerDevBoolean Allow the possibility to start the trigger on demand. In this case, the FPGA will wait indefinitely until the trigger pulse arrived. So the DS will catch a time out error. If this property is set to TRUE, the DS will set a infinite time out.
TuneD_offsetDevULong Dipole offset for tune processing
TuneQf_offsetDevULong Quadripole focusing offset for tune processing
TuneQd_offsetDevULong Quadripole defocusing offset for tune processing
CurrentD_offsetDevULong Offset of the ADC measuring the current of the Dipole
CurrentD_gainDevDouble Gain of the ADC measuring the current of the Dipole
CurrentQf_offsetDevULong Offset of the ADC measuring the current of the Quadripole focusing
CurrentQf_gainDevDouble Gain of the ADC measuring the current of the Quadripole focusing
CurrentQd_offsetDevULong Offset of the ADC measuring the current of the Quadripole defocusing
CurrentQd_gainDevDouble Gain of the ADC measuring the current of the Quadripole defocusing

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:19 Jan 2017, 10:32 a.m.