This is historical information of device classes implemented in GotthardDetector device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: New development
Information status: Updated


Class Description

Device for Gotthard detectors from PSI company.

Families: Acquisition

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: DECTRIS

Bus: Data Socket

Class interface


Name Description
nbChannelsScalar: DevLong number of channels
nbFramesScalar: DevLong Define the number of frames within an acquisition.<br> Available only with the Snap command.<br> With the Start command, it is always forced to 0, this is mean that we request an infinite number of frames.
currentFrameScalar: DevULong Display the current frame number. Only relevant with the Snap command.
triggerModeScalar: DevString Set/Get current trigger mode<br> <br> Available Trigger Modes are : INTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
exposureTimeScalar: DevDouble Set/Get exposure time (in ms).<br> <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes :<br> INTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
latencyTimeScalar: DevDouble Set/Get latency time (in ms).<br> <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes :<br> INTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
delayAfterTriggerScalar: DevDouble set/get delay after trigger in ms. <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes :<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
streamTypeScalar: DevString Avalaible stream types:<br> NO_STREAM<br> LOG_STREAM <br> CSV_STREAM <br> NEXUS_STREAM<br>
streamTargetPathScalar: DevString Defines the root path for generated Stream files.
streamTargetFileScalar: DevString Define the file name for generated Stream files.
streamNbAcqPerFileScalar: DevULong Define the number of acquisition for each Stream file.
fileGenerationScalar: DevBoolean File generation after a snap command
estimatedFrameRateScalar: DevFloat Estimated frame rate for the detector.
gainModeScalar: DevString Set/Get gain mode.<br> <br> Available gain modes are :<br> DYNAMIC<br> LOW<br> MEDIUM<br> HIGH<br> VERYHIGH<br>
enableDatasetframeScalar: DevBoolean Allows to activate or inactivate the Frame saving in the nexus files.<br>
enableDatasetgainScalar: DevBoolean Allows to activate or inactivate the gain saving in nexus files.<br>
acquisitionModeScalar: DevString Avalaible acqusiition modes:<br> NORMAL<br> BURST<br> In BURST mode, the number of frames is limited to reach the highest frame rate.
acquisitionADCScalar: DevString The detector can acquire data from all ADC or a single ADC.<br> Avalaible values:<br> ALL<br> 1<br> 2<br> 3<br> 4<br> 5<br>
frameSpectrum: DevLong Last number of detected photons in each detector channel.
gainSpectrum: DevLong Shows the gain value for each channel.


Name Description
SetCmdInput: DevString
SlsDetector command
Output: DevString
SlsDetector response
Allows to execute a line command (set type)
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
SnapInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Arm/Start the acquisition.
StopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop the acquisition.
GetDataStreamsInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVarStringArray
Returns the flyscan data streams associated with this device formatted as below :<br>
StreamResetIndexInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Reset the stream (Nexus) buffer index to 1.
GetCmdInput: DevString
SlsDetector command
Output: DevString
SlsDetector response
Allows to execute a line command (get type)



Name Description
ConfigFileNameDevString Configuration files used during the camera instanciation.
SpoolIDDevString Used only by the FlyScan application
ExpertFramePacketNumberDevLong Only an expert User could change this property.<br> This is the number of packet for each received frame part.<BR>
ExpertReadoutTimeAllADCDevDouble Only an expert User could change this property.<br> This is the readout time in seconds of the camera.<BR>
ExpertReceiverFifoDepthDevLong Only an expert User could change this property.<br> This is the number of frames in memory of the receiver.<BR>
ExpertStreamMemoryModeDevString Only an expert User could change this property<br> Applicable for StreamNexus Only !<BR> Available Values :<BR> - COPY<BR> - NO_COPY<BR>
MemorizedStreamTargetPathDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamTargetFileDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamTypeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamNbAcqPerFileDevULong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
ExpertStreamWriteModeDevString Only an expert User could change this property<br> Applicable for StreamNexus Only !<BR> Available Values :<BR> - ASYNCHRONOUS<BR> - SYNCHRONOUS<BR> - DELAYED<BR>
MemorizedFileGenerationDevBoolean Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedTriggerModeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedNbFramesDevLong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedExposureTimeDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedLatencyTimeDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedDelayAfterTriggerDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedGainModeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedEnableDatasetgainDevBoolean Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
ExpertReadoutTimeSingleADCDevDouble Only an expert User could change this property.<br> This is the readout time in seconds of the camera using ADC Roi.<BR>
ExpertBurstModeMaxFramesDevLong Only an expert User could change this property.<br> This is the maximum number of frames which can be set with a BURST acquisition mode.<BR>
MemorizedAcquisitionModeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedAcquisitionADCDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
ExpertDetectorTypeDevString Only an expert User could change this property<br> Applicable for StreamNexus Only !<BR> Available Values :<BR> - GOTTHARD<BR> - SIMULATOR<BR>


b'### Documentation\nDetailed documentation can be found on the official site.\n\n### Binaries\nDocumentation to obtain the binaries via the conda package is available here.\n\n### Source code\nOne can also obtain the source code from this repository and compile while realizing the setup dependencies as required.\n\ngit clone --branch 3.1.0\n\n\n#### Setup dependencies \n Gui Client
\nRequirements: Qt 4.8 and Qwt 6.0\n\n export QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/\n export QWTDIR=/usr/local/qwt-6.0.1/\n\nIf either of them does not exist, the GUI client will not be built.\n\n
Calibration wizards
\nRequirements: ROOT\n\n export ROOTSYS=/usr/local/root-5.34\n\n\n#### Compilation \n\nCompiling can be done in two ways.\n\n1. Compile using script
\n\nAfter compiling, the libraries and executables will be found in slsDetectorPackage/build/bin directory
\n\nUsage: [-c] [-b] [-h] [-d HDF5 directory] [-j]
\n * -[no option]: only make
\n * -c: Clean
\n * -b: Builds/Rebuilds CMake files normal mode
\n * -h: Builds/Rebuilds Cmake files with HDF5 package
\n * -d: HDF5 Custom Directory
\n * -t: Build/Rebuilds only text client
\n * -r: Build/Rebuilds only receiver
\n * -g: Build/Rebuilds only gui
\n * -j: Number of threads to compile through
\n \nFor only make:\n./\n\nFor make clean;make:\n./ -c\n\nFor using hdf5 without custom dir /blabla:\n./ -h -d /blabla\n\nFor rebuilding cmake without hdf5 \n./ -b\n\nFor using multiple cores to compile faster:\n./ -j9
\n\n\nFor rebuilding only certain sections
\n./ -tg #only text client and gui
\n./ -r #only receiver
\n\n\n2. Compile without script
\nUse cmake to create out-of-source builds, by creating a build folder parallel to source directory.\n\n $ cd ..\n $ mkdir slsDetectorPackage-build\n $ cd slsDetectorPackage-build\n $ cmake ../slsDetectorPackage -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUSE_HDF5=OFF \n $ make\n\n\nUse the following as an example to compile statically and using specific hdf5 folder\n\n $ HDF5_ROOT=/opt/hdf5v1.10.0 cmake ../slsDetectorPackage -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUSE_HDF5=ON\n \nAfter compiling, the libraries and executables will be found at bin directory\n\n $ ls bin/\n gui_client libSlsDetector.a libSlsReceiver.a\n sls_detector_acquire sls_detector_get slsDetectorGui sls_detector_help sls_detector_put slsReceiver\n\n'

3 Nov 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

15 Sep 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

4 Aug 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

21 Jul 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

14 Jul 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

7 Jul 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

30 Jun 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

23 Jun 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:dadmin on:4 Aug 2018, 3:01 a.m.