This is historical information of device classes implemented in ScanServerV2 device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released, Release: release_3_3_7
Information status: New

Class Description

This Device is a generic scan service for the Tango world. it allows to move
Actuators (ie writable attributes) and to read Sensors (ie readable attributes) after a specified Integration Time

Families: SoftwareSystem

Key words: - Sequencer

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
dataRecorderPartialModeScalar: DevBoolean
filePathScalar: DevString
fileBaseNameScalar: DevString
fileExtensionScalar: DevString
runNameScalar: DevString
pointNumberScalar: DevLong
pointNumber2Scalar: DevLong
scanNumberScalar: DevLong
actuatorsDelayScalar: DevDouble
timebasesDelayScalar: DevDouble
manualModeScalar: DevBoolean
automaticDirectionScalar: DevBoolean
zigzagScalar: DevBoolean
onTheFlyScalar: DevBoolean
hwContinuousScalar: DevBoolean
hwContinuousNbPtScalar: DevLong
enableScanSpeedScalar: DevBoolean
scanTypeScalar: DevLong
contextValidationScalar: DevString
contextValidationErrorStrategyScalar: DevLong
actuatorsTimeOutScalar: DevDouble
actuatorsRetryCountScalar: DevLong
actuatorsRetryTimeoutScalar: DevDouble
actuatorsErrorStrategyScalar: DevLong
timebasesTimeOutScalar: DevDouble
timebasesRetryCountScalar: DevLong
timebasesRetryTimeoutScalar: DevDouble
timebasesErrorStrategyScalar: DevLong
sensorsTimeOutScalar: DevDouble
sensorsRetryCountScalar: DevLong
sensorsRetryTimeoutScalar: DevDouble
sensorsErrorStrategyScalar: DevLong
hooksTimeOutScalar: DevDouble
hooksRetryCountScalar: DevLong
hooksRetryTimeoutScalar: DevDouble
hooksErrorStrategyScalar: DevLong
afterRunActionTypeScalar: DevLong
afterRunActionSensorScalar: DevLong
afterRunActionActuatorScalar: DevLong
afterRunActionActuatorValueScalar: DevDouble
runStartDateScalar: DevString
scanStartDateScalar: DevString
scanEndDateScalar: DevString
runEndDateScalar: DevString
scanDurationScalar: DevString
runDurationScalar: DevString
scanRemainingTimeScalar: DevString
runRemainingTimeScalar: DevString
scanElapsedScalar: DevString
runElapsedScalar: DevString
runCompletionScalar: DevDouble
scanCompletionScalar: DevDouble
deadTimeScalar: DevDouble
deadTimePercentScalar: DevDouble
deadTimePerPointScalar: DevDouble
recordDataScalar: DevBoolean
dataRecordedScalar: DevBoolean
dataRecorderConfigScalar: DevString
generatedNexusFileNameScalar: DevString
versionScalar: DevString
actuatorsSpectrum: DevString
actuators2Spectrum: DevString
sensorsSpectrum: DevString
timebasesSpectrum: DevString
integrationTimesSpectrum: DevDouble
scanSpeedSpectrum: DevDouble
preRunHooksSpectrum: DevString
preScanHooksSpectrum: DevString
preStepHooksSpectrum: DevString
postActuatorMoveHooksSpectrum: DevString
postIntegrationHooksSpectrum: DevString
postStepHooksSpectrum: DevString
postScanHooksSpectrum: DevString
postRunHooksSpectrum: DevString
actuatorsDataListSpectrum: DevString
actuators2DataListSpectrum: DevString
sensorsDataListSpectrum: DevString
scanInfoSpectrum: DevString
trajectoriesImage: DevDouble
trajectories2Image: DevDouble
historicImage: DevString


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
StartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Start the Run
AbortInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Abort the Run
PauseInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Pause the scan
ResumeInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Resume the scan when is Pause State
CleanInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
ClearHistoricInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Empty the log historic
ExecuteActionInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Executes the specified AfterRunAction



Name Description
DataFileActivationDevBoolean enables the ASCII data file
DataFileTypeDevLong 0 : ASCII 1 : Nexus
DataRecorderDevString device name for the Nexus Data Recorder
DataRecorderWriteModeDevLong 0 -> call WriteScanData in the DataRecorder device 1 -> write nexus file directly from ScanServer
DataRecorderSavingPeriodDevDouble the period (in seconds) at which the DataRecorder->WriteScanData is called
PluginRootPathDevString The path to the plugins directory
DataFitterDevString a data fitter device to use for post scan behavior
SynchronizeDataDevBoolean Enable/Disable synchronize data coming from timebase and sensor. [default = true]
TimeScanActuatorsDelayDevBoolean Set it to `true` if you want to use the `actuatorsdelay` fonctionnality in case of time-scans
NI6602TimebaseDelayDevLong It is sometime needed to insert a delay (ms) before starting a Ni6602 card configured in pulse generator mode


b'Introduction\n============\n\nThis is the ScanServer developed at the synchrotron Soleil, France.\nSee the AUTHORS file for a list of the authors of this project.\n\nThe ScanServer is a Tango server which can perform scans of one or many Tango attributes and record the\nsignal of one or many other attributes as a function of the scanned attributes. In order to control\ndata acquisition hardware one or more time bases can be specified which start and stop timers and\ncounters and report when a measurement has been done.\n\nThe automake/autoconf scripts assume the user wants to use NEXUS as a data format. The nexuscpp library is required\nto be installed. The Nexus data format has many advantages over text files and can be red directly by\nmany data analysis programs.\n\nThe main code of the ScanServer functionality is now contained in the ScanUtils library (including PluginGenerator).\n\n\nDirectory Structure (sources)\n=============================\n\n./: the auto-config and auto-make files, README, INSTALL, AUTHORS... files\n./doc: The original documentation from the ScanServerV2.\n./Device: The source code of the ScanServer device\n\n\nDirectory Structure (instaled files)\n====================================\n\n<prefix>/bin: ScanServer binary\n\n\n\n'

20 Apr 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:20 Apr 2017, 1:17 p.m.