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Development status: Released, Release: release_1_1_0
Information status: Updated
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/InputOutput/ADLINK/RetrigAO

Class Description

Perform continuous anolog ouput (waveform generation) on the selected outputs.

Families: InputOutput

Key words: - ADLINK

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
bufferDepthScalar: DevUShort
errorCounterScalar: DevDouble
useBoardFifoScalar: DevShort
channel0EnableScalar: DevShort
channel1EnableScalar: DevShort
channel2EnableScalar: DevShort
channel3EnableScalar: DevShort
channel4EnableScalar: DevShort
channel5EnableScalar: DevShort
channel6EnableScalar: DevShort
channel7EnableScalar: DevShort
frequencyScalar: DevDouble
channel0Spectrum: DevDouble
channel1Spectrum: DevDouble
channel2Spectrum: DevDouble
channel3Spectrum: DevDouble
channel4Spectrum: DevDouble
channel5Spectrum: DevDouble
channel6Spectrum: DevDouble
channel7Spectrum: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
StartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
start the generation.
StopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
stop the generation.
SetAOScaledDataInput: DevVarDoubleStringArray
Output: DevVoid
Give one period of the signal to generated of a specified channel in volts.



Name Description
BoardNumDevShort The number of the board in the chassis cPCI.
FrequencyDevDouble The output frequency (the rate the samples are outputed).
TriggerModeDevShort Trigger mode: POST trigger or DELAY trigger.
TriggerSourceDevShort The trigger source.The possible values are internal trigger INTRIG, digital trigger DTRIG or analog trigger ATRIG.
ATRIGSelectionDevShort select the type of analog trigger. Can be BELOW (trigger occurs below ATRIGLevel) or can be ABOVE (trigger occurs above ATRIGLevel).
ATRIGLevelDevDouble The analog trigger level in volts.
DTRIGPolarityDevShort The edges on which the trigger are detected. Can be RISING or FALLING.
AORefADevDouble The value of the reference voltage gave on pin AORefA.
AORefBDevDouble The value of the reference voltage gave on pin AORefB.
PolarityDevShort BP for unipolar outputs or UP for bipolar outputs.
AORefSourceDevShort Select the internal reference (10.0 volts) with INTERN or the external references AORefA and AORefB with EXTERN.
Channel0EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 0, 0 otherwise.
Channel1EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 1, 0 otherwise.
Channel2EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 2, 0 otherwise.
Channel3EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 3, 0 otherwise.
Channel4EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 4, 0 otherwise.
Channel5EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 5, 0 otherwise.
Channel6EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 6, 0 otherwise.
Channel7EnableDevShort 1 if enable channel 7, 0 otherwise.
DelayDevShort If trigger mode is delay, configure the delay in seconds.
BufferDepthDevShort The buffer depth for one channel
Channel0WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 0 (attribute persistency).
Channel1WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 1 (attribute persistency).
Channel2WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 2 (attribute persistency).
Channel3WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 3 (attribute persistency).
Channel4WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 4 (attribute persistency).
Channel5WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 5 (attribute persistency).
Channel6WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 6 (attribute persistency).
Channel7WaveformDouble[]Type The waveform for channel 7 (attribute persistency).
FilePathDevString The path to waveforms persistancy files
ConversionSourceDevShort Set the AO conversion signal source (i.e. DAC sampling source). Use one of the following: INTERNAL, EXTSAMPLING.

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PDF generated from POGO


b'//-============================================================\n//\n// This class has been generated by POGO\n// (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)\n//\n// (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF\n//=============================================================\n\n\nFiles generated:\n===============\nRetrigAO.cpp: Source code for the RetrigAO class and its commands.\n This class is derived from DeviceImpl_2 class.\n It represents the CORBA servant obbject which\n will be accessed from the network.\n All commands which can be executed on the\n RetrigAO are implemented in this file.\n\nRetrigAO.h: Include for the RetrigAO class.\n Server class prototypes and descriptions.\n\nRetrigAOClass.cpp: A singleton class derived fromRetrigAO.\n It implements the command list and all properties\n and methods required by the RetrigAO once per process\n\nRetrigAOClass.h:\tInclude for the RetrigAOClass root class.\n This class is represents the singleton class for\n the RetrigAO device class.\n It contains all properties and methods which the \n RetrigAO requires only once e.g. the commands.\n\nmain.cpp:\t\tC++ source for a TANGO device server main.\n The main rule is to initialise (and create) the Tango\n system and to create the DServerClass singleton.\n The main should be the same for every Tango device server.\n\nClassFactory.cpp:\tC++ source for the class_factory method of the DServer\n device class. This method is responsible to create\n all class singletin for a device server. It is called\n at device server startup\n'

22 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

20 Apr 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 10:06 a.m.