To apply any patches downloaded from this page, first go to the directory where Tango source distribution has been extracted e.g. cd ~/tango-9.2.2, then type the command :
patch -p1 <"patch_file"
Version 9.2.5 source patches
omniORB 4.2 bug (described in bug 794) is fixed if you apply this patch file to omniORB 4.2.
To apply this patch, copy the patch file to the directory where you extracted omniORB e.g. ~/omniORB-4.2.1, then type the command:
patch -p0 < dii_race.patch
Version 9.2.2 source patches
omniORB 4.2 bug (described in bug 794) is fixed if you apply this patch file to omniORB 4.2
Bug 787, Bug 788, Bug 789, Bug 790, Bug 791 and Bug 792 are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install".
Version 9.1.0 source patches
Bug 745, Bug 748, Bug 749, Bug 752 and Bug 753 are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install". As usual, this patch assumes the previous patch(es) for the Tango release has been already applied.
Bug 741 is fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install".
Version 8.1.2 source patches
Bug 662, Bug 663: These two bugs are fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install". This patch supposed that previous one (p812_3.diff) has been already applied
Bug 646: This bug is fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install". This patch supposed that previous one (p812_2.diff) has been already applied
Bug 631, Bug 632, Bug 638: These 3 bugs are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install"
Bug 624, Bug 625: These 2 bugs are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install"
Version 8.0.5 source patches
Bug 528, Bug 530, Bug 531, Bug 533, Bug 534, Bug 536: These 6 bugs are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install"
Bug 545, Bug 546: These 2 bugs and some DeviceProxy class thread safety issues are all fixed if you apply this patch file. Then go to your build directory and run "make" followed by "make install"