This is historical information of device classes implemented in MultipleMotors device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: New


Class Description

Meta class for handling the energy of a given beamline.

Families: Motion

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
PositionScalar: DevDouble Master Energy of the BL. Read from the master device.\nWrite to all devices if the GlobalChangeFlag is set to 1.
UnitLimitMinScalar: DevDouble The lower energy limit
UnitLimitMaxScalar: DevDouble The upper energy limit
PositionSimScalar: DevDouble Master Energy of the BL. Read from the master device.\nWrite to all devices if the GlobalChangeFlag is set to 1.
MotorMaskScalar: DevLong Mask for activating/deactivating motors.
ResultSimSpectrum: DevString
ActiveSlavesSpectrum: DevString Names of the active slaves (set by the attribute MotorMask)


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
CalibrateInput: DevDouble
New position value
Output: DevVoid
Calibrate the motor: current position is calibrated to be the value given as an argument
StopMoveInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop energy movements



Name Description
BeamlineNbDevLong Beamline number, for example, 8 for P08.
MasterDeviceDevString Name of the Tango Device mastering the energy of the given beam line.
SlaveDevicesArray of DevString Names of the rest of the Tango devices in the beamline reacting to an energy change.

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

3 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:19 Jan 2017, 10:48 a.m.