This is historical information of device classes implemented in Magnet622 device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released, Release: Release_1_0
Information status: New

Class Description

Tango device server for Cryogenic Ltd 6/2/2 magnet used at DESY, PETRA3, Beamline P01

Families: MagneticDevices

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp

License: GPL



Manufacturer: Cryogenic Ltd

Bus: Ethernet

Class interface


Name Description
PhiTargetScalar: DevDouble Get/set the target phi angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode
ThetaTargetScalar: DevDouble Get/set the target theta angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode. (Commands VM_setTargetTheta / VM_getTargetTheta)
TemperatureTargetScalar: DevDouble write / read the target needle valve cell temperature
Output1TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble read / write the target temperature for output 1
Output2TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble read / write the target temperature for output 2
Output3TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble read / write the target temperature for output 3
Output4TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble read / write the target temperature for output 4
SensorAScalar: DevDouble read / write the value for sensor A
SensorBScalar: DevDouble read / write the value for sensor B
SensorCScalar: DevDouble read / write the value for sensor C
SensorDScalar: DevDouble read / write the value for sensor D
CoordinateSystemScalar: DevBoolean write / read the coordinate to either Cartesian (0) or Spherical (1)
TimeToTargetScalar: DevDouble Get the time to target in units of seconds
PathCalculationTypeScalar: DevLong write the Path Calculation Type. (0) Calculate by time, (1) Calculate by Ramp rate
PersistentModeScalar: DevBoolean write / read the magnet persistent mode (true = on, false = off)
RotationDirectionScalar: DevLong write / read the rotation direction if coordinate system is in Spherical mode 0 = anticlockwise, 1= clockwise
RotationAxisTypeScalar: DevLong write / read the rotation axis type. If Z-axis (2) then the rotation will be about Z. if AxB (3) then it would rotate about the axis that is perpendicular to the initial and final vector.
MagnetReadyScalar: DevBoolean read the ready status of the Vector Magnet(true = ready, false = not ready) If it is not ready then do not perform any path calculation or ramp.
RampTimeScalar: DevDouble write / read the ramp time needed if Path calculation type (PathCalculationType) is set to calculate by time.
ThetaScalar: DevDouble read the theta angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode.
XFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble read the value of the X field in Amps
XFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble read the value of the X field in Tesla
TargetXFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble write / read the value of the Target X field in Tesla
XFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble write / read the X field Ramp rate, in units of A/s
YFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble read the value of the Y field in Amps
YFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble read the value of the Y field in Tesla
TargetYFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble write / read the value of the Target Y field in Tesla
YFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble write / read the Y field Ramp rate, in units of A/s
ZFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble read the value of the Z field in Amps
ZFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble read the value of the Z field in Tesla
ZFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble write / read the Z field Ramp rate, in units of A/s
TargetZFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble write / read the value of the Target Z field in Tesla
MotorAngleScalar: DevDouble write / read the angle of the rotation motor
MotorHeightScalar: DevDouble write / read the height of the vertical motor
MotionStatusScalar: DevLong read the motion status of motors. 0 = No motion 1 = Vertical motion 2 = Rotation motion
HeightAtTargetScalar: DevBoolean check whether height is at target position true = yes false = no
RotationAtTargetScalar: DevBoolean check whether rotation is at target position true = yes false = no
TemperatureScalar: DevDouble read the temperature of the needle valve cell
PressureScalar: DevDouble read the the pressure
DumpPressureScalar: DevDouble read the dump pressure
OutputPowerScalar: DevDouble read the output power
MagneticFieldScalar: DevDouble read the magnitude of the magnetic field, used in Spherical mode
MagneticFieldTargetScalar: DevDouble write / read the magnitude of the target magnetic field, used in Spherical mode
PhiAngleScalar: DevDouble Get the phi angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode
UserRotationAngleScalar: DevDouble write / read the user rotation angle
ControllerStatusScalar: DevString Display the current status message in the Status field at the bottom of the Temperature Control window on the Windows PC
UserRotationAxisSpectrum: DevDouble write / read the user rotation axis vector x,y,z
TemperaturesSpectrum: DevDouble Returns a list of temperature sensor values in the order shown in the Temperature Monitor.


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
Device state
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Device status
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
CalculatePathInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Calculates the path to ramp to target
AbortRampInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Aborts ramp or path calculation
SetPersistentInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Set the magnet into persistent mode
StartRampInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Ramp the Magnet to target
StopMotorsInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop all motors from moving



Name Description
HostNameDevString Name / IP address of controller PC
PortNumberDevString Port number of service on controller PC

6 Mar 2021, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

27 Feb 2021, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

19 Dec 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:dadmin on:27 Feb 2021, 3:34 a.m.