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Development status: New development
Information status: New
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/Temperature/CryoConTempMonitor

Class Description

CryoConTempMonitor Class Description:

This device reads the temperature channels from a CryoCon temperature monitor. It does so by communicating with the hardware via a serial device, which must be correctly configured and setup.

Families: Temperature

Key words:

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Python



Class interface


Name Description
ChannelCScalar: DevDouble
ChannelBScalar: DevDouble
ChannelAScalar: DevDouble
ChannelDScalar: DevDouble


Name Description
RunInput: DevString
Command to run
Output: DevString
SetChannelUnitInput: DevVarStringArray
channel and unit to set
Output: DevVoid



Name Description
UsedChannelsStringArrayType The channels we really want to read and manage (ignore the others). Channels may be discontinued (i.e if I want A and D but not B or C). This is also useful to be able to control different CryoCon models which may have different number of channels but the same interface. If not specified, all channels will be used
AutoLockFrontPanelDevBoolean Front panel lock at init. If not specified False is assumed.
SerialDeviceDevString The serial device to connect to the instrument.
ReadValidityPeriodDevDouble Time in seconds (may include decimals or be 0) while the last read values from the hardware are consider to be valid. This is done to try to minimize the accesses to the hardware. If not specified, the display time constant of the instrument will be used.

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b"This device server is used to control basic features of a CryoCon temperature\nmonitor.\n\nIt has been tested with M14 model, but should work with other models.\n\nThe SCPI syntax for controlling the instrument is very similar to that for\ncontrolling a temperature controller, and hence these functions have been shared\nwith the CryoConTempController project. These common functions are in CryoCon.py\nfile (this file should be exactly the same in both projects CryoConTempMonitor\nand CryoConTempController). Of course the temperature controller has many\nfunctions that the monitor doesn't contain, but simply these functions are not\nused in the temperature monitor code.\n"

16 Jan 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:dadmin on:16 Jan 2018, 1:24 p.m.