This is historical information of device classes implemented in ImgBeamAnalyzer device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: New


Class Description

The device analyzes images accessible on another remote device,
and proposes the following (selectable) features : - in preprocessing : rotation, mirroring, gamma correction - ROI (Region Of Interest), either user-defined or automatic by blob analysis - image moments (mean intensity, centroid, variance, skew) - maximal intensity (to monitor saturation for example) - ellipse fitting when automatic ROI is desired - profiles with corresponding gaussian fit - 2D gaussian fit of the image

Families: Calculation

Key words:

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
MeanIntensityScalar: DevDouble
EnableImageStatsScalar: DevBoolean
EnableProfilesScalar: DevBoolean
EnableHistogramScalar: DevBoolean
EnableUserROIScalar: DevBoolean
EnableAutoROIScalar: DevBoolean
Enable2DGaussianFitScalar: DevBoolean
ComputationPeriodScalar: DevLong
EstimComputTimeScalar: DevLong
RotationScalar: DevLong
HorizontalFlipScalar: DevBoolean
BitsPerPixelScalar: DevLong
HistogramNbBinsScalar: DevLong
HistogramRangeMinScalar: DevLong
HistogramRangeMaxScalar: DevLong
GammaCorrectionScalar: DevDouble
AutoROIMagFactorXScalar: DevDouble
AutoROIMagFactorYScalar: DevDouble
AutoROIThresholdScalar: DevLong
BgSubstractionScalar: DevDouble
AlarmZoneScalar: DevLong
PixelSizeXScalar: DevDouble
PixelSizeYScalar: DevDouble
OpticalMagnificationScalar: DevDouble
ProfileFitFixedBgScalar: DevBoolean
LineProfileOriginXScalar: DevLong
LineProfileOriginYScalar: DevLong
LineProfileEndXScalar: DevLong
LineProfileEndYScalar: DevLong
LineProfileThicknessScalar: DevLong
ChamberOffsetXScalar: DevDouble
ChamberOffsetYScalar: DevDouble
ChamberCentroidXScalar: DevDouble
ChamberCentroidYScalar: DevDouble
ChamberXProjFitCenterScalar: DevDouble
ChamberYProjFitCenterScalar: DevDouble
UserROIOriginXScalar: DevLong
UserROIOriginYScalar: DevLong
UserROIWidthScalar: DevLong
UserROIHeightScalar: DevLong
AutoROIFoundScalar: DevBoolean
AutoROIOriginXScalar: DevLong
AutoROIOriginYScalar: DevLong
AutoROIWidthScalar: DevLong
AutoROIHeightScalar: DevLong
MaxIntensityScalar: DevDouble
CentroidXScalar: DevDouble
CentroidYScalar: DevDouble
CentroidSaturatedScalar: DevBoolean
CentroidSaturationRegionSideScalar: DevLong
CentroidSaturationRegionThresholdScalar: DevLong
VarianceXScalar: DevDouble
VarianceYScalar: DevDouble
CovarianceXYScalar: DevDouble
CorrelationXYScalar: DevDouble
SkewXScalar: DevDouble
SkewYScalar: DevDouble
SkewX2YScalar: DevDouble
SkewXY2Scalar: DevDouble
XProjFitConvergedScalar: DevBoolean
XProjFitCenterScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitMagScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitSigmaScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitFWHMScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitBGScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitChi2Scalar: DevDouble
YProjFitConvergedScalar: DevBoolean
YProjFitCenterScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitMagScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitSigmaScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitFWHMScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitBGScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitChi2Scalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitConvergedScalar: DevBoolean
LineProfileFitCenterScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitMagScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitSigmaScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitFWHMScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitBGScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitChi2Scalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitConvergedScalar: DevBoolean
GaussianFitMagnitudeScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitCenterXScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitCenterYScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitVarianceXScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitVarianceYScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitCovarianceXYScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitMajorAxisFWHMScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitMinorAxisFWHMScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitTiltScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitBGScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitChi2Scalar: DevDouble
Fit1DNbIterMaxScalar: DevLong
Fit1DMaxRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
Fit2DNbIterMaxScalar: DevLong
Fit2DMaxRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
XProjFitNbIterScalar: DevLong
XProjFitRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
YProjFitNbIterScalar: DevLong
YProjFitRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
LineProfileFitNbIterScalar: DevLong
LineProfileFitRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
GaussianFitNbIterScalar: DevLong
GaussianFitRelChangeScalar: DevDouble
RmsXScalar: DevDouble
RmsYScalar: DevDouble
XProjSpectrum: DevDouble
XProjFittedSpectrum: DevDouble
XProjErrorSpectrum: DevDouble
YProjSpectrum: DevDouble
YProjFittedSpectrum: DevDouble
YProjErrorSpectrum: DevDouble
LineProfileSpectrum: DevDouble
LineProfileFittedSpectrum: DevDouble
LineProfileErrorSpectrum: DevDouble
HistogramSpectrum: DevFloat
InputImageImage: DevULong
ROIImageImage: DevULong
LineProfileHelperImgImage: DevFloat
GaussianFitParameterCovarianceImage: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
StartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
StopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
ProcessInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
SaveCurrentSettingsInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
GetVersionNumberInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString



Name Description
AutoROIMagFactorXDevDouble initial value of AutoROIMagFactorX attribute. if not defined, it is set to 1
AutoROIMagFactorYDevDouble initial value of AutoROIMagFactorY attribute. if not defined, it is set to 1
AutoROIMethodDevString the method used for computing the AutoROI. can be `PROFILES` or `THRESHOLD`. PROFILES method means the AutoROI is computed from the profiles fitted to gaussian functions. THRESHOLD means that the image is first thresholded using the `AutoROIThreshold` attribute then the largest blob is selected.
AutoStartDevBoolean if set to `true` and mode is `CONTINUOUS`, the computation starts automatically when the device is launched
BitsPerPixelDevLong the initial value of the BitsPerPixel attribute
ComputationPeriodDevLong the initial value of the ComputationPeriod attribute
Enable2DGaussianFitDevBoolean the initial value of the Enable2DGaussianFit attribute
EnableAutoROIDevBoolean the initial value of the EnableAutoROI attribute
EnableHistogramDevBoolean the initial value of the EnableHistogram attribute
EnableImageStatsDevBoolean the initial value of the EnableImageStats attribute
EnableProfilesDevBoolean the initial value of the EnableProfiles attribute
EnableUserROIDevBoolean the initial value of the EnableUserROI attribute
GammaCorrectionDevDouble the initial value of the GammaCorrection attribute
HistogramNbBinsDevLong the initial value of the HistogramNbBins attribute
HistogramRangeMaxDevLong the upper bound of the histogram bins. must be
HistogramRangeMinDevLong the lower bound of the histogram bins. must be> = 0
HorizontalFlipDevBoolean the initial value of the HorizontalFlip attribute
ImageAttributeNameDevString the name of the image attribute to take in ImageDevice
ImageCounterAttrNameDevString the name of the imageCounter attribute to take in ImageDevice
ImageDeviceDevString the device from which the image is taken
OpticalMagnificationDevDouble the initial value of the OpticalMagnification attribute
PixelSizeXDevDouble the initial value of the PixelSizeX attribute
PixelSizeYDevDouble the initial value of the PixelSizeY attribute
ProfileFitFixedBgDevBoolean the initial value of the ProfileFitFixedBg attribute
RotationDevLong the initial value of the Rotation attribute
UserROIOriginXDevLong The memorized value of userROIOriginX attribute when SaveCurrentSettings command is called.
UserROIOriginYDevLong The memorized value of userROIOriginY attribute when SaveCurrentSettings command is called.
UserROIWidthDevLong The memorized value of userROIWidth attribute when SaveCurrentSettings command is called.
UserROIHeightDevLong The memorized value of userROIHeight attribute when SaveCurrentSettings command is called.
ChamberOffsetXDevDouble the initial value of the ChamberOffsetX attribute
ChamberOffsetYDevDouble the initial value of the ChamberOffsetY attribute
CentroidSaturationRegionSideDevLong the initial value of the CentroidSaturationRegionSide attribute
CentroidSaturationRegionThresholdDevLong the initial value of the CentroidSaturationRegionThreshold attribute

22 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

20 Apr 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:20 Apr 2017, 1:06 p.m.