
while playing around with umlgraph (http://www.umlgraph.org) I found it quite easy to generate a uml diagram using a simplified text description (umlgraph requires the Java syntax) of a device class (in Python). Is anyone interested in having this feature (or an improved one) integrated into pogo?

The textual class description in Java syntax:

 * @opt attributes
 * @opt operations
 * @opt types
 * @hidden
class UMLOptions {}
 * @hidden
class State {}
class DeviceImpl {}
class MetaExperiment extends DeviceImpl {
	String queueURLs[];
	String queueName;
	String beamlineID;
	void State() {};
	void Status() {};
	String proposal;
	String sample;
	String dataRoot;
	State ON;

and the result of running umlgraph.
Edited 9 years ago