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Development status: Released, Release: latest
Information status: Updated
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/Acquisition/1D/Mythen2Detector

Class Description

Device for Mythen2 detectors from DECTRIS company. It connects to the Detector Control System (DCS4) which can manage four Mythen2 modules.

Families: Acquisition

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: DECTRIS

Bus: Data Socket

Class interface


Name Description
nbModulesScalar: DevLong DCS4 number of active modules
nbChannelsScalar: DevLong DCS4 total number of channels of active modules
nbBadChannelsScalar: DevLong DCS4 total number of bad channels of active modules
nbBitsScalar: DevULong Number of bits to be read out,<br> thereby determining the dynamic range and the readout time.<br> Allowed values:<br> 4<br> 8<br> 16<br> 24<br>
triggerModeScalar: DevString Set/Get current trigger mode<br> <br> Available Trigger Modes are : INTERNAL<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br> EXTERNAL_GATE<br>
frameRateMaxScalar: DevFloat Maximum allowed frame rate for the active detector modules.
nbFramesScalar: DevLong Define the number of frames within an acquisition.<br> Available only with the Snap command.<br> With the Start command, it is always forced to 0, this is mean that we request an infinite number of frames.
currentFrameScalar: DevULong Display the current frame number. Only relevant with the Snap command.
readoutTimeScalar: DevDouble Get the readout time (in ms).<br> It depends of the current resolution (number of bits)<br>
exposureTimeScalar: DevDouble Set/Get exposure time (in ms).<br> <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes :<br> NTERNAL<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
delayAfterFrameScalar: DevDouble Set/Get the delay between two subsequent frames (in ms).<br> This is the delay between two exposures.<br> In the Mythen2 documentation, this data is called tafter or delafter.<br> <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes :<br> NTERNAL<br> EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br>
delayBeforeFrameScalar: DevDouble Set/Get the delay between the trigger and the start of the exposure (in ms).<br> In the Mythen2 documentation, this data is called tbef or delbef.<br> <br> Only relevant for these trigger modes : EXTERNAL_SINGLE<br> EXTERNAL_MULTIPLE<br>
nbGatesByFrameScalar: DevULong Number of gates within a frame.<br> <br> Only relevant for the trigger mode : EXTERNAL_GATE<br>
badChannelInterpolationScalar: DevBoolean Turns on or off the interpolation routine for bad channels.<br> <br> When enabled, the number of counts for a bad channel is set to the average number of counts of the next lower and the next upper working channels.<br> <br> If there is no next lower (upper) working channel, the number of counts of the next upper (lower) working channel is used.<br> <br> When disabled the number of counts for a bad channel is set to -2.
flatFieldCorrectionScalar: DevBoolean Enables or disables the flatfield correction.
temperatureScalar: DevFloat Returns the temperature of the SoC die on the DCS4 in degrees Celcius.
streamTypeScalar: DevString Avalaible stream types :<br> NO_STREAM<br> LOG_STREAM <br> CSV_STREAM <br> NEXUS_STREAM<br>
streamTargetPathScalar: DevString Defines the root path for generated Stream files.
streamTargetFileScalar: DevString Define the file name for generated Stream files.
streamNbAcqPerFileScalar: DevULong Define the number of acquisition for each Stream file.
rateCorrectionScalar: DevBoolean Enables or disables the rate correction. After initialization, the rate correction is disabled.
flatfieldPathScalar: DevString Defines the root path for generated flatfield files (.ftf).
flatfieldNameScalar: DevString Shows the last loaded flatfield name.
fileGenerationScalar: DevBoolean File generation after a start/snap command
estimatedFrameRateScalar: DevFloat Estimated frame rate for the active detector modules.
frameSpectrum: DevLong Last number of detected photons in each detector channel.
flatfieldSpectrum: DevLong Shows the channel values of the current flatfield. Use the flatfield refresh command for an update of this spectrum.


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
SnapInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Arm/Start the acquisition.
StopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop the acquisition.
StartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Start the acquisition.
GetDataStreamsInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVarStringArray
Returns the flyscan data streams associated with this device formatted as below :<br>
StreamResetIndexInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Reset the stream (Nexus) buffer index to 1.
ResetDCS4Input: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Set the detector and its modules back to default settings.
CreateFlatfieldInput: DevVarStringArray
flatfield alias;relative module number [1...module number]
Output: DevVoid
Create a flatfield file for a dcs module.
GetFlatfieldListInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVarStringArray
Display the list of available flatfield files.
ChooseFlatfieldInput: DevString
Flatfield alias
Output: DevVoid
Load the flatfield into the dcs modules and activate it.
RefreshFlatfieldInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Refresh the current flatfield data shows in the device.
GetTemperaturesInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
Temperature of modules in degrees Celcius.
GetHumiditiesInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
Relative humidities of the modules.
GetHighVoltagesInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
High voltage at which the module is operated.



Name Description
DetectorHostDevString IP address or fully qualified host name
DetectorPortDevLong TCP connection port
MemorizedStreamTypeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamTargetPathDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamTargetFileDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedStreamNbAcqPerFileDevULong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
ExpertStreamWriteModeDevString Only an expert User could change this property<br> Applicable for StreamNexus Only !<BR> Available Values :<BR> - ASYNCHRONOUS<BR> - SYNCHRONOUS<BR> - DELAYED<BR>
StreamItemsArray of DevString Define the list of Items managed by the Streamer. (Nexus, CSV, ...)<BR> Availables values are :<BR> Frame<BR>
SpoolIDDevString Used only by the FlyScan application
MemorizedTriggerModeDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedNbFramesDevLong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedExposureTimeDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedDelayAfterFrameDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedDelayBeforeFrameDevDouble Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedNbGatesByFrameDevULong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedBadChannelInterpolationDevBoolean Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedFlatFieldCorrectionDevBoolean Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedEnergy01DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedEnergy02DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedEnergy03DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedEnergy04DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedThreshold01DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedThreshold02DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedThreshold03DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedThreshold04DevFloat Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedNbBitsDevULong Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedRateCorrectionDevBoolean Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
MemorizedFlatfieldPathDevString Only the device could modify this property <br> The User should never change this property<br>
ExpertFrameRateLimitationDevLong This is the maximum frame rate the device allows for the active detector modules.<BR> Defines the frame rate limitation per second (included).<BR> Set -1 to disable the functionnality.<BR>
DetectorTypeDevString Define the detectior type : <br> MYTHEN2<br> SIMULATOR<br>

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19 Mar 2022, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

7 Dec 2019, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

24 Mar 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

17 Mar 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

23 Dec 2017, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

2 Dec 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

4 Nov 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

15 Jul 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

1 Jul 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:1 Jul 2017, 3:01 a.m.