
Hi TCS, Reynald.

In PyTangoArchiving we currently support plotting of HDB++ double and integer attributes on Taurus 3 trend widgets. The archived values are plot together with the current data, any change on time scale will load the archived data into the live data buffers.

The "but" is that it is not supported yet on Taurus 4 and arrays and some other types are not yet supported (short, unsigned).

This work is ongoing. If you're interested in the feature you can test the current behavior from https://github.com/tango-controls/PyTangoArchiving. I'll publish a note on the forum when the Taurus 4 support will be ready.

Keep on dancing,

Hi Sergi,

Thank you for your response. What is the expected date for next release which supports all data types on Taurus 4?
Hi All,

I am exploring PyTangoArchiving. I'm trying to extract archived data, but it does not seem to work with HDB++. Are you sure it supports HDB++ too? Currently it is not able to extract archived data(Attached). I attached snapshot for the same.

As PyTangoArchiving does not parse automatically the setup of HDB++ devices (sorry), you have to add it manually using properties.

In Jive:

Edit => Create Free Property => PyTangoArchiving

Tabs => Property => New Property => DbConfig = user:password@host/db_name

It should be enough, to test it do:

import PyTangoArchiving as pta
rd = pta.Reader()

Your archived attributes should appear in the list, then just read the values from
the API or the GUI:


BUT!, it is currently in production only with HDB++ and MySQL. I haven't used it over Cassandra for a year or so, so its support may be broken.

In a month or so I'll have a Cassandra setup for testing.

Keep on dancing,

Edited 7 years ago
Hi Sergi,

I am trying this as you suggested (Create Free Property), still I am not able to connect with hdbpp.
I attached snapshots for the same.
Hi it looks like there is a bug in the parsing of DbConfig free property when the password contains a '@'.
If I were you I would change the MySQL password and avoid the '@' character in the password.

Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
Hi Reynald,

Yes, It is a bug. Now it is working fine as I changed the password of database. Thank you.

Edited 7 years ago

As jhdbviewer, It provides feature to plot extract data as form of chart or table. Is there any future plans to implement real time/dynamic graph/chart plotting in jhdbviewer?

Also see the attached file.
When click on show legend, It will show the attributes/parameters name with its device server name
(like tango/hdb/cm-1/archiverstatus).
If I want only attribute name(like archiverstatus), so where need to be change in source code?

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