Tango 9 installation error on ubuntu

Hi all,

while installing tango-9.2.1 on ubantu, I got this error.
/usr/local/lib//libomniORB4.so.2: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

Here we are using omniorb version 4.2.1 and zmq version 4.0.5.

Please provide necessary suggestions.

Thanks & Regards,
Edited 7 years ago
Are you installing TANGO using debian packages or binaries you compiled yourself?

This error is generally due to a missing "explicit link" against a particular library or a problem with the order in which the library are specified to the linker.
Edited 8 years ago

We are using binary packages to install tango 9.
I am not sure in which library 'explicit link' is missing.
And further How can I specify proper order to linker?

Thanks & Regards,
The experience I have with this (DSO) error makes me think that it's a pure compilation problem that can't be solve at binary level. Now, the question is: are you using the right packages for the right ubuntu version? The binary packages are usually compatible with a given ubuntu version and there's is no guarantee that they can work on another one.
Nicolas is right - we need to know which binary packages are you talking about i.e. where did you get them and how were they made?

Which version of Ubuntu are you using?

I am running Tango9.2.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 built from source code. This works.

We are using Ubuntu 14.04 LTA version.
Here is the link from where we downloaded the TANGO 9 binary package:

Thanks and Regards,
I'm lost cause the link you gave points to the tango sources. I expected a link to some debian packages…
So the binaries you're trying to install come from your own recompilation?

Package downloading link is not debian package, those are source files.
We are creating binaries by our own compilation.

In any case, could you please point me to the right source of tango 9 installable package for Ubuntu- 14.04 LTA version.

I suggest to recompile omniORB adding some magic options to your configure.
Could you please provide the full error message you obtain?
There's certainly an "undefined reference to symbol xxxxx" preceding the "DSO missing from command line" message.
What I'm curious to known is the name of the undefined symbol.

Edited 8 years ago
I don't see the problem. As Nicolas pointed out the "packages" you sent the link to are source code packages and are installed using the "./configure; make;make install" commands as described in the INSTALL file of the source code release. Tango 9.2.1 should work on Ubuntu 14.04 as well. I have tested Tango 9.2.0 on the Tango VM running Ubuntu 14.04. Make sure the system you compile the source code on has the same packages (e.g. omniORB, zmq) as the system you compiled it on. If you have any doubt then recompile the source code on the target system again.

Follow Nicolas's advice (which crossed my post). He is an expert in Tango + Ubuntu.

Kind regards

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