
I am trying to dynamically create an attribute of type DevEnum. However when I run my device, it switches to an ALARM state, reason being 'Attribute has wrong configuration'.

When I try to access the value of the attribute in iTango, I get this error:
Device test/test/1-> Attribute : mode
The attribute mode has the DEV_ENUM data type but there is no enumeration label(s) defined.

When I also call on the
method of the DeviceProxy, I notice that the enum_labels property list of the attribute is not populated.

The set_enum_labels method of the UserDefaultAttrProp class seems to work as I can print out the enum_labels list. The problem is that the enum labels are not set or something when I call the

I have attached a copy of python code just to show you what I am trying to do.smile

Thank you.
Edited 8 years ago